Added Value Services

Kalirai & Co. provide a range of added value services to help you manage your business and personal financial affairs: 

Business reconstructions 

During the life of a company, the directors and shareholders might feel that there are advantages to diversifying the ownership of business activities. Assets may need to be divided and the company restructured. As a process, it’s fraught with potential pitfalls. We will guide you through the process, ensuring that your aims for the reconstruction are achieved. 

R&D Tax Credits

If your company undertakes research and development, you may be able to claim government tax credits. These were introduced to incentivise innovation and reward UK companies who invest in research. We will ensure that your company is properly rewarded through the tax credit system for the R&D work you undertake.

Capital Allowance Claims

A capital allowance is an expenditure a U.K. business may claim against its taxable profit. Capital allowances can be claimed on most assets purchased for use in the business, ranging from equipment and research costs to expenses for building renovations. The regulations around claims are continually evolving, and we can ensure you maximise your allowances, recouping money to reinvest in your business.


The regulations around off-payroll working can seem complex, with plenty of potential pitfalls for employers and contractors alike. Kalirai & Co. will ensure that your business is fully compliant with IR35 regulations while maximising tax benefits.

Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance tax can cost loved ones hundreds of thousands of pounds when you die. It’s possible to legally reduce your inheritance tax bill but it takes careful planning and a full understanding of the options available, as well as current regulations. We can help you plan your financial affairs to legally minimise the inheritance tax burden when you die. When it comes to your peace of mind, inheritance tax planning can make all the difference.

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